WAZUG NL 64: Cavero

donderdag 12 mrt 2020 in Rijswijk

Donderdag 12 maart was er een bijeenkomst van de Nederlandse Microsoft Azure User Group. Dit keer was Cavero zo vriendelijk om de locatie in Rijswijk te sponsoren. Ook dit keer hadden we twee interessante sessies op het programma staan!

De agenda zag er als volgt uit:

17:30u Inloop & ontvangst

18:00u–18:30u Diner

18:30u–18:35u Welkomstwoord

18:35u–19:30u Sessie 1: Giovanni Scheepers (Cavero) – Managing state using redux-observable and mitigating risks using Azure CLI and MSBuild

Managing async state is hard; let’s walk through some code snippets of a portal prototype hosted in Azure App Service in which async state is managed by redux-observable and supported by ASP.NET Core middleware, EF Core repository services and Azure SQL Server. With observables we apply a functional programming style that yields readable and robust code. With Redux we apply one shared state object and this of course comes with a risk. Hence, we’ve setup a fully automated build pipeline using Azure CLI and MSBuild; we have integrated the unit-testing of all the relevant components in the MSBuild tasks.

19:30u–19:40u Korte pauze

19:40u–20:40u Sessie 2: Eldert Grootenboer (Motion 10) - Lessons learned from implementing API Management in the real world.

Azure API Management is the gatekeeper to our data and processes, and as such it's really important that we set this up securely. But how do we know which features of API Management will allow us to reach our goal? And how should we implement them in such a way that we stay secure, while still providing the best experience for our developers?

This session will show you how to set up an API Management environment, using real life use cases. You will learn how to expose and protect your services, which policies help make our life easier, and how to handle your application lifecycle management.

20:40u–21:15u Borrel


De Loods
Treubstraat 31
2288 EH in Rijswijk


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