WAZUG NL 57: Rubicon

donderdag 23 mei 2019 in Vianen

Op donderdag 23 mei waren we te gast bij Rubicon in Vianen voor onze 57e meeting.

De agenda zag er als volgt uit:

17:30u Inloop & ontvangst

18:00u–18:30u Diner

18:30u–18:35u Welkomstwoord

18:35u–19:30u Tomasso Groenendijk (Azure MVP) - Using VNETs in PaaS solutions

VNETs are mandatory for IaaS but why would you use VNETs in PaaS solutions? In this session Tomasso is going to show how what VNETs are and how you can combine them with APIs, Functions, KeyVault and CosmosDB.

19:30u–19:40u Korte pauze

19:40u–20:40u Sessie 2: Anco Stuij en Robin Smits (Rubicon) - Ring video doorbell meets Azure serverless

Whoops, the doorbell rings. Is it someone we know? Use a combination of Azure serverless technologies to find out who’s there. In this session we will explore Azure Functions, Event Grid, Logic Apps and the Cognitive Services.

20:40u–21:15u Borrel


Lage Biezenweg 5

4131 LV Vianen


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