WAZUG NL 49: Betabit

donderdag 21 jun 2018 in Rotterdam

Donderdag 21 juni 2018 was de 49e bijeenkomst van de Nederlandse Microsoft Azure User Group. Dit keer was Betabit zo vriendelijk om de locatie in Rotterdam te sponsoren. Het werd een tropische variant met een echte "slow-cooking" BBQ!

De agenda zag er als volgt uit:

17:30u Inloop & ontvangst

18:00u–19:00u Tropische BBQ met "slow-cooking"

19:00u–19:05 Welkomstwoord 

19:05u–20:00u Sessie 1: Rick van den Bosch & Oscar van Tol (Betabit) - Supercharge your web application with Azure

Azure has grown significantly the last couple of years and offers quite a few services (100+ and counting). A lot of those services are geared towards Web development. This session gives insight in how to make use of the power that the different Azure web services can bring you as a developer. Think Web Apps and Azure CDN. But also less expected services like Azure Functions, Active Directory B2C and Application Insights.

One of the most recent additions to Azure is Azure SignalR Service. This service enables you to “Easily add real-time web functionality to applications”. But how easy is this? And what about other scenarios? We’ve all heard about the latest trend in Cloud Computing: Serverless. You can easily implement a web application that’s being served completely by Http triggered Azure Functions. So how do you leverage the power of SignalR service in that scenario?

20:00u–20:10u Korte pauze

20:10u–21:10u Sessie 2: Henry Been - Secure development: keeping your application secrets private

 Do you still store secrets in source control? Are your secrets safely stored, but are you struggling to distribute them to your applications? Do you feel this should be easy, but you can't just find out how?

In this session, Henry will take you on a journey that starts with passwords in source control. From there he will quickly take you along on a series of improvements to make both local development and production deployments more and more secure with every change.

Along the way, you will learn how to use Azure Key Vault, Azure Active Directory (AAD) and App Service Managed Instance to get everyone on a need to know basis. Finally, you will see how forgetting about keys, certificates and passwords completely and just using AAD could solve all your problems. That is.., if everyone would just use AAD!

21:10u–21:45u Borrel


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