WAZUGNL 40: Xpirit

donderdag 07 sep 2017 in Hilversum

Donderdag 7 september was de 40e bijeenkomst van de Nederlandse Microsoft Azure User Group. Dit keer was Xpirit zo vriendelijk om de locatie in Hilversum te sponsoren.

Microsoft Azure User Group Meetings zijn bedoeld voor alle architecten, engineers en consultants die interesse hebben in -en/of ervaring hebben met- het Microsoft Azure platform. We moedigen dan ook iedereen aan collega's en klanten uit te nodigen om zich te laten informeren en inspireren door onze sprekers.

De agenda zag er als volgt uit:

17:30u Inloop & ontvangst

18:00u–18:30u Diner

18:30u–18:35u Welkomstwoord

18:35u–19:30u Sessie 1: Daniel Marbach - Microservices with Service Fabric. Easy... or is it?

Service Fabric is so simple! Just click-click-deploy and we have a stateless microservice! But what if we want to store business data? We can use reliable collections and even transactions to store data inside the cluster, but what happens when our single partition goes down? We could lose everything! Now we need to partition our data… how do we do that? And how do we integrate with other PaaS offerings like Azure Service Bus? Maybe this isn’t so easy after all.

In this talk I'll walk you through Service Fabric Partitioning, a partition affinity model for Azure Service Bus queues and challenges you'll face with messaging patterns like request/response, publish/subscribe, process managers and other stateful entities running inside a Service Fabric Cluster. (See https://github.com/danielmarbach/Microservices.ServiceFabric for the code)

19:30u–19:40u Korte pauze

19:40u–20:40u Sessie 2: Interactive whiteboard architecture sessions

During these interactive Azure cloud architecture sessions you will learn what to keep in mind to host solutions in the Azure cloud. The sessions are hands-on, right in front of the whiteboard! The cases are based on real-world situations. If you like, bring your own case with you so we can discuss it and see if it is cloud ready or not.

20:40u–21:15u Borrel


Laapersveld 27

1213 VB Hilversum

Bing Maps


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