WAZUGNL 17: SharePoint Connections 2013 in Amsterdam

maandag 18 nov 2013 in Amsterdam

Maandag 18 november was er een bijeenkomst van de Nederlandse Windows Azure User Group. We hadden weer interessante en verrassende sessies voor jullie in petto van welbekende sprekers. Dit evenement werd georganiseerd aan de vooravond van de SharePoint Connections conferentie in Amsterdam. Zij sponsorden theater De Meervaart als onze locatie. Lieberman Software was zo vriendelijk om de catering te sponsoren.

We hebben gratis tickets weggegeven voor de SharePoint Connections workshop - SharePoint & the Cloud: Leveraging Windows Azure to Build the New Cloud-Hosted Apps op donderdag 21 november (waarde €495).
Verder hebben we hebben vijf licenties verloot voor Cerebrata Windows Azure Management Studio (waarde $195).

SharePoint Connections keynote spreker Steve Fox (Microsoft) gaf een introductie rondom Modern Apps en legde uit waarom Windows Azure zo belangrijk is voor ontwikkeling van Windows 8, Windows Phone en Web Applicaties.
Ook heeft Calum Macleod van Lieberman Software ons uitgelegd wat hun Priviliged Identity Management System software doet en hoe het gebruik maakt van Windows Azure.

De agenda zag er als volgt uit:

• 18:30u Inloop, ontvangst en diner

• 19:30u-19:45u Welkomstwoord WAZUG NL

• 19:45u-20:45u Sessie 1: Steve Fox (Microsoft) - Exploring Modern Apps

Modern Apps dominate IT and Developer conversations. However, what does this mythical unicorn look like? How do you build one? And how does Windows Azure enable them? In this session, you'll learn about the key characteristics of the Modern App, and how you can use Windows Azure to build both Microsoft-centric and cross-platform applications. Specific areas of coverage will include service and data tiers in the Cloud, Web, Big Data and Device apps, the cross-device design experience, and much more.

• 20:45u-21:45u Sessie 2: Calum Macleod (Lieberman Software) – Priviliged Identity Management System

More and more organizations are moving to the cloud for the perceived benefits of increased speed and reduced costs. However, cumbersome manual processes are normally still involved in the provisioning and configuration of cloud resources. As a result, the management of privileged accounts is usually poorly handled, leading to failed audits and even higher IT costs. In this session we will show how privileged identity management can be automated and scripted using PowerShell and web services to provide a scalable and secure cloud for your customers, and authoritative audit trails for your auditors.

• 21:45u-22:30u Borrel

Locatie: De Meervaart - Meer en Vaart 300 - 1068 LE Amsterdam

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