WAZUGNL 22: Avanade (Almere)

donderdag 11 sep 2014 in Almere

Donderdag 11 september 2014 was er een WAZUG NL event. Avanade was zo vriendelijk om de locatie in Almere te sponsoren. Deze avond had een Belgisch tintje, zuiderbuur Sam Vanhoutte was spreker. Hij is MVP en Chief Architect van Codit. De catering, die Avanade voor ons verzorgde, had ook een Belgisch tintje. 

De agenda zag er als volgt uit:

17:30u Inloop & ontvangst

18:00u–18:30u Eten

18:30u–18:35u Welkomstwoord WAZUG NL & Avanade

18:35u–19:30u Sessie 1: Workflow manager: Running durable workflows in the cloud and on-premises

Sam will give an overview of the different workflow capabilities on the Microsoft platform.  Based on real world scenarios, he will link the different possibilities with the right scenarios. After this, he will give an overview of the new workflow capabilities that Microsoft is building for the cloud.  For this, he will use Microsoft Workflow Manager.  Attendees will learn about the workflow capabilities around isolation, the trusted surface, security and multi-tenancy. They will see how these will be used in the future. Two extensive demos will be given: an end to end, hybrid, integrated workflow in Microsoft Azure, processing a flight booking and an interactive demo where attendees will be able to have a phone call with a State Machine workflow!

19:30u–19:40u Korte pauze

19:40u–20:40u Sessie 2: Get your geek on: The Internet of Things, applied on the Microsoft platform

Connected devices, houses, cars, sensors are becoming a daily reality and will generate a lot of new business scenarios and revenue in the coming years.  In this session, Sam will discuss the new challenges that comes with this new type of connectivity. Also, various device connectivity standards will be discussed during the session. Next to that, you will learn about the different IoT integration patterns that are common in device to cloud integration: Telemetry, Inquiries, Commands, and Notifications.  The following scenarios will be demonstrated using the .NET Micro Framework or Kinect in combination with Microsoft Azure: burglar detection, showroom sensors, flight radar.

20:40u–21:15u Borrel

Versterkerstraat 6
1322 AP Almere
Bing Maps


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