WAZUGNL 37: Caesar Experts

donderdag 11 mei 2017 in Utrecht

Donderdag 11 mei was er een bijeenkomst van de Nederlandse Microsoft Azure User Group. Dit keer was Caesar Experts zo vriendelijk om de locatie in Utrecht te sponsoren.

Ook dit keer hadden we weer twee interessante sessies op het programma.

Microsoft Azure User Group Meetings zijn bedoeld voor alle architecten, engineers en consultants die interesse hebben in -en/of ervaring hebben met- het Microsoft Azure platform. We moedigen dan ook iedereen aan collega's en klanten uit te nodigen om zich te laten informeren en inspireren door onze sprekers.

De agenda ziet er als volgt uit:

17:30u Inloop & ontvangst

18:00u–18:30u Diner

18:30u–18:35u Welkomstwoord

18:35u–19:30u Sessie 1: Sander van den Hoven (Microsoft) - Bots, Cognitive Services and Machine Learning with Microsoft

Artificial Intelligence is increasing used in a large variety of applications. AI is used in understanding natural language, understanding objects and photos and to learn patterns from massive amounts of data. Microsoft has a number of tools that help building the new intelligent applications. In this sessions we focus on the bots dive a little deeper in these tools and explain how to build a bot to interact with users using natural language, detect what user mean and translate it in the required language. Also we want to show how to use our cognitive services to augment intelligence to your application and how Azure Web Apps and Azure Functions can be used to create bots.

19:30u–19:40u Korte pauze

19:40u–20:40u Sessie 2: Pieter de Bruin (Docker) - Intoduction to Docker Enterprise on Azure

Introduction to Docker Enterprise on Azure. Docker is drastically changing the way software is built and shipped. Originally from the Linux world, Docker containers are now widely available in the Microsoft space including Windows, ASP.NET, SQL and VSTS. Come to this introduction for a healthy mix of slides, demos and room for questions

20:40u–21:15u Borrel


Janssoniuslaan 80
3528 AJ Utrecht



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